Friday, April 13, 2018



That never did happen there, getting cornholed that is, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t worry about it. There seemed to be a lot of the guys doing each other, and Earl, the gang enforcer, was forcing himself on a few of the weaker ones on the unit. But I was pretty much left alone.

I guess it hadn’t taken long for news of my sucker punch to the back of Ray’s head to travel through the hospital grapevine and that I wouldn’t be a real easy one to take.

When I first walked through the door of that unit I knew right away that this was going to be a world that I had never known in my wildest dreams existed.

I figured that out after this client walked up to me and said “I knew you were coming.”

I was surprised. “How’s that?”

“How do you think? I could smell your asshole.”

Jumping Jesus!!

I had been on the unit for about a week when lo and behold who walks through the door but old Dan, my one eyed buddy from the county jail in Duluth. He acted like he didn’t even remember me, which I don’t think he did at first. Took him about two days to do it. I think he was still trying to get over the initial shock of his life time commitment to the place.

Dan had a companion along with him who was absolutely guaranteed that he would be serving a life sentence. His name was Cedar and although I didn’t know him personally, I had read about him.

One of the staff had left an alternative newspaper called the City Pages, out on the unit, which I had snatched up. In it was an article about this body that was found in the Mississippi River that had been missing its head, feet, and hands. The really strange part about it was that the body had already been embalmed. Turns out that these two idiots had broken in to the crypt of a young boy and had removed the parts and thrown the torso in the river.

They had a hell of a time at parties throwing the head on people’s laps and scaring the shit out of them. Cedar had been mentioned in the article, but only that he was an old former buddy of the two morons.

No, Cedar’s reputation more than preceded him. Cedar had been born to a hippie couple who had some problems with parenting skills. He was a tad too boisterous for them so they decided to medicate him with LSD, even though he was only three at the time.

It would affect him in his adult life since he started to believe that his grandmother was a witch and needed to be killed. So one night after an evening of partying, he beat the old gal half to death, tore out her eyes, and in the final insult, gave her a swirly in her toilet. For the uninformed, a swirly is when you stick someone’s head in the bowl and flush. She died several days later.

Cedar had been on the classification unit for a month prior to coming to Unit 800 and the medications he was on seemed to work wonderfully. He could carry on amusing conversations, knew rock and roll like it was nobodies business, and was obviously pleased when I mentioned to him that I had read his name in the City Pages.

He had smiled and said, “Shit, those clowns are just riding on my coat tails.”

The staff had found a joint on him, hence his trip to Unit 800. Medication wasn’t the only that was keeping him under control.

He had been given a series of ECT treatments, electro convulsive therapy shock treatment, before being brought to our unit. Every week he still made the trip for his dose of the electric juice. Thinking about that worried me.

I don’t know how it happened, but he would become the only person in the whole fucking joint that I would ever be able to trust.

We became chums and began to spend the days together discussing The Allman Brothers Band-both the new and old version, good pot, and most importantly, how to break out of the St. Peter Security Hospital.

But after three weeks on the unit it was becoming painfully obvious that jig was about up. Let me tell you, it’s goddamn hard to play crazy and I just wasn’t up to the task. From the little things like the staff noticing that I’d always ask for the television channel to be changed from cartoons, which the other clients watched like it was the word of God, to football, hockey, or boxing. Or when we went out to the yard how I’d run the inner perimeter doing my road work. The average nut just doesn’t do that. I just wasn’t fitting in.

The other nuts noticed it too. They gave me a lot of space. Everybody but Cedar, and for some unknown reason, Bob. And although Bob himself always had a load of shit in his pants and an odor of urine about him, he smelled a rat was on the unit.

I had been on the unit a month to the day when the unit shrink sat me down on his rounds and told me that he felt “I was full of crap and that it was time to face my responsibilities.” His recommendation to the court was going to be that I was fit to stand trial.

Jesus Christ, the prick only talked to me once a week. And then for only ten minutes. How in the hell could a guy fake he was ready for a permanent straightjacket in that amount of time?

I didn’t have the strength to argue with or try to bullshit him. He was just a typical government employee looking for an easy pension. The thought of pulling him over the desk and whipping the shit out of him passed through my mind. That would let the bastards know I was crazy.

But I couldn’t do it. I knew that he had a wife and kids at home.I had needed more time. Sitting in the jail in Duluth it had sounded so easy. It was a hospital, a fucking hospital! How hard could it be to escape from a hospital? I had underestimated everything. Security was much tighter than I thought it would be. And it wasn’t just a hospital. It was a prison with thick glass instead of bars. To top it off, the place was full of goddamn lunatics. How could you possibly form any sort of escape plan while living in that sort of environment?

I had looked and looked and still could not find a detect a chink in the hospital armor. A way where I could get the fuck out of here.

The past eight years hit me hard and I walked out of his office without a word. I went and sat down in the day room with the rest of lunatics. It was all rushing back in a steady stream through my head, like a bad acid trip. Albert Lea, my drunk parents, my dead brother, all the drugs, all the booze, Rose dead, the drunk admiral sitting there in his Fruit of the Looms, AWOL, Zak hanging in his locker, L.A., the dead bodies on Wonderland Avenue, half dicked blacks and one eyed Indians, it all ran together.

Shit, maybe I am nuts.

Norm and his diminutive biker lackey stood up and walked off like I smelled like Bob. Muttering some shit under their breath.

Fuck ‘em, at least I’d be out of here. Prison would probably be better anyway. Get this
shit all over with. They call Stillwater a gladiator school. Well it’ll be better to get carried out of there than rot in here. They were going to catch up to me sooner or later anyhow. How much longer could this nightmare go on?

Cedar came over to join me. “You know I've been pondering this escape shit all this time and all of a sudden, right out of nowhere, it hits me right between the motherfucking eyes, dude. All you need to break out of here man is a crack torch. It’s as simple as that.”

Sweet Jesus! Without a word I stood up and walked to my cell.

I was snorkeling on Oahu’s north shore. Warm, crystal blue water,me and a good Navy buddy named Tom. We had smoked a big fat number of a weed called Mango and were just floating on the surface like a couple of jelly fish. I had a spear with like a rubber band on the end that you stretched out to propel the spear forward, but hadn’t found anything to take yet. Then I saw this fish, this strange fish, swimming along the bottom. It
was almost translucent and it looked like a bat. A clear underwater bat swimming along like it was looking for its cave or attic to go hang upside down in. I dove down so I was over it as I pulled the band on the spear back. It was a perfect shot, right through its back. But I could hear this weird sound in the distance and I looked around but there was nothing there. It had a weird high pitch, kind of like it sounds when you’re inside a house and an outside water faucet is on. And then I saw what it was. The batfish had his mouth open and he was the one that was making the noise.

His little mouth was open and he was screaming. Screaming because I had shot him in the back and now he was dying a horrible death.

I awoke with a start. It had gotten dark outside. Someone was standing in my cell, in the dark. Cells aren’t locked in the hospital at night. Only on the sex offender’s unit or if the doctor writes up an order in your chart, something to do about patient rights.

It was Cedar standing there, quietly, just watching me. I was hoping he didn’t think that I was a witch and try to kill me. Or worse, give me a swirly.

“A torch is what I really thought we would need. That glass will fucking melt, man. But we don’t need my crack torch. The sons of bitches have the torches on the units, man. Just waiting for us. Those fucking cans of Right Guard!”

Cedar turned to walk out of my cell. “By the way you missed supper. Chicken Kiev. Tasted like shit.”


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I staggered off the plane in San Diego smelling remarkably like my step-grandfather did in the terminal stages of alcoholism, only without the dying.

We were not greeted warmly by the swabby in the airport. “Putout those fucking cigarettes and give me your goddamn orders you dumb shits,” he shrieked at our little group. He didn’t seem to care that there were a lot of civilians walking around. The gray Navy bus awaited us at the curb and we were whisked away to what would be our new home for the next nine weeks.

Looking back now, the first day was the worst one, after that  itwasn’t so bad. But the first day truly sucked. Long before the sun came up, some asshole came running into the barracks and screamed “Get your pussies out of those racks and hit the deck running.” It was not the kind of awakening that I normally preferred.

The only thing we were allowed to do before marching over to the chow hall was either take a leak or a shit, couldn’t even brush your teeth.

Upon the arrival at the dining facility I sat down across from a fellow recruit who promptly barfed all over his tray. The day had just begun.

After our delicious meal, we were then taken over to have our heads shaven, outfitted for uniforms, and then to this huge hall where the biggest prick that I would ever meet in the military was waiting to greet us.

He was in charge of making sure our clothes were stenciled. All of your clothes that are issued to you in the Navy have to be stenciled so they can be returned back to you if you are on a ship that does your laundry for you.

I also think it’s because the Navy is nothing but a den of thieves. As I would find out in the coming years that some son of a bitch would steal your used rubber if you left it lying around.

This guy though was an absolute maniac. He ran around screaming “pussies, limp dicks, motherfuckers” and anything else at us that happened to pop up in his mind.

At the same time we were trying to stencil all this crap with this big round brush and permanent India ink. Of course, we were fucking up horribly and at one point he even jammed a guy’s brush into his mouth. I never did figure how that poor dude got that ink out of his teeth.

As this was all going on I noticed a rather heavy, older, black man observing us from the back of the room. I would shortly find out that this was our new company commander, Chief Petty Officer Johnson. We would be his last company prior to his retirement.

He wanted to go out with a bang so he physically tortured us and mentally mind fucked us until we were the number one company in the battalion at graduation. He also wound up with a tidy little nest egg upon retirement after he ran two scams on us.

The first being the cigarette scam. Johnson announced that you could not have your own cigarettes, so all smokes were rounded up and a collection was taken. If you smoked, every week you were required to put in two dollars towards the smoke kitty. BUT, only two cartons of cigarettes were to be in the possession of the company commander, base regulations of course. You were given one cigarette a day.

If you deserved it. Johnson ran things on the merit program. Normally no one deserved it. 

Yet, every week the yeoman(the recruit unit clerk) came around and took another two dollars from you. This went on week after week. Do the math. About sixty guys smoked. 120 bucks a week times 9 weeks gives you $1080. The old bastard maybe bought three cartons of smokes the whole time we were there. Cigarettes at that time cost about five dollars a carton on base.

Close to eighty guys bought into the next grift. Johnson announced that he would smuggle pizzas in for recruits who would chip in ten dollars a piece. When the big night came it looked like he had gone out and bought about fifty of those frozen pizzas that you get for a buck a shot at the grocery store and cooked ‘em himself. The boxes that they came in didn’t even match.

But we all had it better than Murphy, the recruit unit clerk. The day we left San Diego, the recruit company commander told me that one of Murphy’s many duties besides running the cigarette scam was also smoking Johnson’s big black cigar.

He knew this for a fact. Late one night he had got up to take a leak and heard a weird noise coming from the company commander’s office.

Risking great bodily harm to himself, he still couldn’t contain his curiosity and had gently opened the door, only to see Murphy on his hands and knees getting his ass blasted by Johnson.

The weirdest day in boot camp was the anti-drug lecture that they gave you. We had a chaplain give us our seminar. He actually showed an old episode of Dragnet. The one where at the beginning of the show some straight business man type comes into the station and informs Joe and Bill that his daughter and her husband are smoking reefer and he fears for the safety of his granddaughter. The acting is way over the top. All the heads are wearing love beads and granny glasses and call the cops “pig”.

In the end of course, the granddaughter drowns in the bathtub while the hippies are having a “pot” party. Bill Gannon has to run out to the driveway and get sick. At the end of the viewing we were all roaring with laughter and the chaplain was enraged. Shaking his fist and screaming about how his own daughter had become “addicted to reefer.”

The man of God then had us marched to our barracks where we were outfitted in our raincoats and forced to do push-ups and jumping jacks until four or five recruits passed out.

“He had to do the dude’s pole? Man, talk about nasty!” screamed out Artimus. He was laughing so hard I thought he was going to pass out.

“No shit like that ever went down in the Marines, man, that’s for goddamn sure. Fucking guy getting ass blasted by the company commander.” He shook his head in amazement.

“I’m starting to put on a serious buzz here what do you say we go over to the Posada del Mar and try to force some chow down before I get wasted?” I asked.

“Good idea. I could use a big plate of beans and rice. Let’s roll.”

Artimus lumbered to his feet and began to walk down the beach then suddenly stopped and started laughing again.

“Hey you never had to put out to the old company buck did you? Or did you wait to lose your ass at the nuthouse?”

Such a sensitive guy.